HCS 2024 Has Arrived!

May 23, 2024

Have you heard that the much awaited and anticipated OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) amendments are now final? The amended standard was published in the Federal Register on Monday, May 20th, and becomes effective on July 19th, 2024.

The amendments are intended to align the HCS standard with Revision 7 of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). In addition, the amendments are intended to increase the effectiveness of the standard and better align it with other U.S. and international agencies. The HCS was last amended in 2012 for the purpose of aligning it with revision 3 of the GHS.

The HCS 2024 amendments include revised provisions for labels, including (but not limited to), “provisions addressing the labeling of small containers and relabeling of chemicals that have been released for shipment.” ¹

This is significant as businesses take on the burden of complying with the revised standard. Every SDS and HCS label will potentially require modification. The more SDS’s and labels that are affected, the greater the burden and cost to the business – it’s a straightforward equation.

Revisions to the GHS occur every two years or so, which means that the HCS will continue to be amended every few years to remain aligned with the GHS, as well as other national and international regulatory bodies. As a result, businesses are asking the question; what can we do to help mitigate the increasing cost of compliance?

One tried and true strategy is the adoption of digital, print-on-demand labeling. Digital print-on-demand gives businesses a way to reduce the effort and cost of complying with revised regulatory standards that change periodically. Digital print-on-demand solutions enable businesses to avoid the cost of wasting pre-printed labels that become obsolete and out of compliance. On-demand, on-premise label printing makes businesses more agile and able to quickly and efficiently respond to the impact of regulatory change at all levels.

  • Eliminate pre-printed label waste.
  • Reduce time to change and reprint labels.
  • Cut cost of compliance.
  • Minimize impact of compliance on production.

For over 25 years Brandywine Label Printing has been helping businesses achieve and maintain compliance with the entire spectrum of regulatory standards that affect the chemical industry. We specialize in solutions that empower our customers to print their safety and compliance labels their way, for the benefit of all stakeholders and customers, both internal and external.

Contact us to learn more – we’re looking forward to hearing from you!

¹ Federal Register, Hazard Communication Standard, May 20, 2024, https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/05/20/2024-08568/hazard-communication-standard